Ravi Kumar Vadapalli

Ravi Kumar Vadapalli

Founder & CEO of Dhime
1 point


Founder and CEO of Dhime. Dhime is an AI & Computer Vision company building products that bring ease and convenience to hobby learning. Currently building an AI Dance Coach. Previously, built networking and cloud products at Cisco. Founding member and the Engineering lead of "Autonomic Networking" product at Cisco, which went on to win the Cisco Pioneer award. Holds 2 USPTO issued patents in Cloud computing. Passionate about giving back to society by building AI-based solutions that bring about a positive change in society.


Founder & Leadership at Dhime


Gone streaking
Gone streaking

Maker History

  • Dhime
    Learn Dance with AI
    May 2024
  • 🎉
    Joined Product HuntMay 4th, 2024