You're invited to try MindNite!
December 1st, 2017
In this post I'll share a link where you can try out MindNite, but first some backstory. Feel free to skip to the link in the bottom of the message if you're eager to try it out!
I often hear people say they like who like working with lists. I do too, so I tend to inquiry each encounter with a list-person to try to learn something new. I've heard everything from maintaining unorganized batches of Post-its to building advanced number-crunching beasts in Excel. One common factor among list persons is that they never seem to be satisfied. That is what I like about them. Constantly trying to find something better, always striving to improve and staying away from homeostasis.
There seems to be a disconnect between apps for taking action and apps for exploring and developing ideas. TODO apps are often linear in their nature leaving much to ask for in organization and exploration, while exploration apps (like Mindmapping tools, for example) tend to serve only a very specific use case in rather a small scale. Ever tried maintaining a very large Mindmap? Yeah, tell me about it!
These are some of the problems I'm trying to solve with MindNite.
MindNite combines the explorational power of Mindmapping with the ease-of-use of nested lists. The application handles huge relational network graphs and lists, while also fully supporting zooming in on the details for truly productive sessions without any distractions. It offer both a holistic view of a multitude of ideas and their relations and how the details appear when looking closer. So in short; stay focused while not forgetting about the big picture stuff!
Today I'm happy to announce that I'm launching the app for Alpha testing! Alpha, in this case, means I'm happy with the product and would love to hear what you, my super early adopters, think of it at this moment. Don't be gentle! Together we need to work out what's not working to get it to work and what's working to get it to work even better 😀
The app has almost no onboarding or getting started guides, so here's my suggestion to you: take a look at the video attached below where I'll briefly go through the core parts of the app. Then you can go ahead and try it out for yourself repeating what I just did. Cool? Cool!
Now, to try for yourself, visit https://mindnite.com - read the Alpha disclaimer, press the button and then press "Get Started" and you're on your way.
I built MindNite using very powerful and modern tooling, so the app requires that you use a fresh web browser, such as Google Chrome. Sorry, I've got no love for Internet Explorer at this stage. The front-end part of the app is built with React, The state management is handled by redux in combination with reactive extensions, which makes the app ultra-snappy and very reactive (pun totally intended). The underlying infrastructure is hosted on Google Cloud, which means great reliability, security, and speed. Everything is built with attention to details in every aspect of the app, making it enterprise-level compliant in all regards to IT security and operability. In addition to that, the app was built from the ground up with the mindset to support scaling to millions of users.
That being said, the app in its current alpha state certainly can be improved in many regards - and it most definitely will!
For the tech geeks out there, here are some stats:
I built this using ~6000 lines of code in about 13 days, it weighs in at ~300kb gzipped for the main module + 2 chunks of ~150kb loaded asynchronously when needed, including all icons and images. During the last 7 days of the project I met 0 people face to face and spoke with 2 on the phone, my mom and sister. During these 7 days I felt alone 0 days, much thanks to the Product Hunt Community and other makers around the world. On another note, I woke up with intense pain in my left long finger the last morning... this because I've been hitting the escape button so frequently during the last few days (I'm a VIM user 😂).
Thanks for your interest in MindNite, you can reach me on twitter @miickel if you've got any questions or feedback.
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