emailOtter video update πŸ‘€, press play!
May 31st, 2018
Hey all,
I've got a video update for you this week! As you know, side projects can be challenging to see through, so thanks for following as it's really helped keep me committed. If you have a side project of your own, I'd recommend sharing the making of it in this way too - I'd definitely join you!
Check out the new features I've added to Email Otter in the time I've found over the last 2 weeks:

New Features

Email Otter has come a long way:
πŸ’Ύ Autosave your edits (save and continue editing later)
πŸ“ Guides for editing
πŸ‘€ User accounts with project pages
πŸ–ŒTidied up the layout
πŸ“‚Made a 'dashboard' page for letters
Here's the video to highlight those features:
Even though it's been 2 weeks, it's all actually been done in around 3 days overall, so it's not bad progress. I even made that video just in the last hour just for this update too. If you're curious, I used using a tool called Rocketium to make it (and that's my affiliate link).

Next Steps

Here's what I'm going to add next for this project:
An Email Otter landing page, with a blog connected where I can republish these updates. Nothing fancy, I'll write about what I used to make it on the blog.
Launch Date
I'm going to put a schedule together with a launch date. It will be for the beta version so you can start testing it soon!

On launch, I'm going to need a few HTML templates for the Otter Library. So if you have any in mind, let me know.
That's all for now. Thanks again for subscribing, and if you have any questions about what I'm doing or the tools I'm using, just ask.
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