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1 Review
Demis Estabridis
AI Product Manager
1 review
I like the idea concept, and I think there is a pain to solve in this direction (I experience it myself). Nevertheless, who are you trying to help exactly? Companies that DO have a community and only need the platform? What about those who do not have any of both (no community, no platform)? So far (after a quick test), it doesn’t feel like you could help create a community without your client making a big effort to communicate it. Last but not least, your design and all the features based on data look very cool, but after opening a Hub, it is too empty. Consider pre-filling a Test Hub so users can imagine how incredible it would be once they get traffic and data. All the best!
Alexander Wennerberg
Great feedback Demis, thanks! Exactly as you're describing it, the tool is mainly used by companies who want to involve their employees or customers, which they already have as a "community". Will definitely create some content to pre-fill the hub! Thanks a lot for your engagement and input, it's very appreciated! 🙌