
Startup acquisition marketplace for $100K-50M revenue SMBs
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BitsForDigits was ranked at #4 Fintech for 2021
#4 Fintech Product of the Year
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What is BitsForDigits?
BitsForDigits is an up-market acquisition platform for $100K+ revenue startups. Our global marketplace makes it free and anonymous for business owners to attract full and partial acquisition offers directly from thousands of professional acquirers. No listing fees. 100% anonymity.
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BitsForDigits 3.0
BitsForDigits is an up-market acquisition platform for $100K+ revenue startups. Our global marketplace makes it free and anonymous for business owners to attract full and partial acquisition offers directly. No listing fees. 100% anonymity.
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BitsForDigits 2.0
BitsForDigits is an acquisition marketplace for $100K+ revenue internet startups.

We make it anonymous & free for owners to attract full & partial acquisition offers from verified acquirers.

List your business & get in front of 1,000+ buyers on the platform
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