Authentication & Payments for Webflow. Total design freedom.
Ben Tossell

Memberstack — The no-code membership platform for any website

Memberstack lets you build members-only websites, dashboards, web apps, and intranets with your favorite web design tools. Works with Webflow, Carrd, PageCloud, Hubspot CMS, static HTML, and more coming very soon!

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Lachlan Kirkwood
Such a powerful tool for creators! Are you able to integrate Google Analytics & Facebook pixels on landing pages?
Duncan Hamra
Top Product
@lachlankirkwood Thanks Lachlan! Absolutely! The cool thing about MemberStack is it doesn't marry you to any particular website builder, and you can keep using your go-to tools like GA and FB Pixel. You'll just need to install GA and FB Pixel into your site like you would any other :) MemberStack won't get in the way
Ben Tossell
I found this because of all the no-code work I'm doing. is run with MemberStack and we have a bunch of tutorials using them for awesome things like membership sites with profiles and posting content
Sharath Kuruganty
Excited to test MemberStack with my existing projects. Looks really impressive. Congrats on the launch 👏👏👏
Tyler Bell
Top Product
@5harath Thanks! Super excited to see what you create!
Ramli John
Hey @belltyler and @duncan_hamra ! Pretty excited about this. I saw a tweet from Corey Haines about this. I've been looking for a membership tool. I know you said that Wordpress plugin is just around the corner. Do you know how far (ballpark)? A few weeks? A few months? Also, do you have content creators using this to monetize their content (i.e. Youtubers, podcasters, etc.)
Tyler Bell
Top Product
@duncan_hamra @ramlijohn Hi Ramli! MemberStack will support Wordpress very soon. It's the next platform on our list :)
Tyler Bell
Top Product
@duncan_hamra @ramlijohn We do have content creators using MemberStack. If you would like to see examples/demos then please reach out! We would love to show you what's possible.
Ramli John
@duncan_hamra @belltyler Thanks! What's the best way to reach out? or just the live chat on your website?
Tyler Bell
Top Product
@ramlijohn If we are offline on the chat, then would be best.
Michael Malo
?makers hi guys! I'm really liking Memberstack, really great work, thank you! Curious, do you have plans to ever integrate with other payment gateways, like Bambora? Thanks!
Anthony Dike 🌻🐝
Love this idea. I'm excited about the no code movement. I also enjoy that you guys are experimenting with a "highest price first" anchoring method of pricing. Curious to see how that does. Hope it works out for you 👍
Duncan Hamra
Top Product
@antdke Thanks Anthony! Us too :D
Noah Raskin
Ok, imagine this.. You spend countless hours designing and building the perfect interface for your website/business with amazing no-code tools like @webflowapp to distribute cool content/products to your customers, students etc and now you simply need to add functionality to it to make it work.. and of course get paid for it. Well, that is where MemberStack comes in! You can create an account and set up your memberships as well as linking dynamic data you collect from your customers with your website components/elements within 5-10 minutes. No joke. A real functioning membership site. You can tell the makers have really put thought into this to make it really intuitive to use! You can accept payments via Stripe, build a membership site with hidden areas only your members can view, create user dashboards, import/export members, create hidden fields on forms and much more. A few reasons I ♥️ it.. - Easy implementation using custom html attributes - Fast feature updates - Build for free as long as you want in test mode (awesome!) - Super clean dashboard UI to manage all your members, memberships, custom fields etc. and I think my favorite is the amazing customer support/slack group! I can't recommend enough!
Duncan Hamra
Top Product
@webflowapp @noahraskin_ Thank you Noah!! The community really is incredible, and reviews like this mean the world to us! Thank you again! Btw is your new site live yet? I need to share it!! haha
Tayler O'Dea
Been using Webflow from the beginning. This is a huge leap forward to the no-code movement. Eager to see it grow. Duncan is on to something really huge... I said it first.
Duncan Hamra
Top Product
@tayler2412 Thanks Tayler! You've been saying it from the very beginning! Thank you so much for all the support :)
Chad Fullerton
MemberStack looks awesome, great website. Once a tool like this is available for WordPress, it's going to blow up in popularity. This is a disruptor. Bringing simplicity to memberships. It's going to be to memberships like Stripe was to payments. Easy to set up, no fuss, and powerful API to tap into.
Tyler Bell
Top Product
@chad_fullerton Thank you! We are super excited to keep growing into other platforms! WordPress support is right around the corner.
James Daly
This is one of those products that immediately allowed me to build a whole list of projects I'd put in the "I'll build it later when I learn to code a membership platform" bucket haha it's exploded my mind with how many more things I can now create with Webflow. Thank you for building this Duncan and Tyler!
Duncan Hamra
Top Product
@jamesdaly90 Thanks James! It's been an absolute pleasure :) Can't wait to see those projects come to life!
Amanda Schulze
If I want this membership gate to sit in front of another self-hosted webapp (not a Squarespace, etc), is there any workaround for that?
Duncan Hamra
Top Product
@amandaschulze1 Hi Amanda! I would need to get a closer look to confirm, but I don't see any reason why not if your web app is broken into pages with unique URLs. Feel free to reach out, and we can answer all your questions :)
Amanda Schulze
@duncan_hamra Thanks Duncan! Any luck confirming? The gated content is a unique URL
Duncan Hamra
Top Product
@amandaschulze1 Awesome! Since your content has a unique URL, MemberStack won't have a problem hiding it. Just select "Custom" when you go to add a new website to your MemberStack account. BTW - We also have a front-end API that you might find handy.
Amanda Schulze
@duncan_hamra Thank you! Last question! :) I've been considering Chargee, but am open to your solution! Are there any pros on MemberStack? I'm looking for a visually appealing solution that I can get up and running quickly. Would like to offer subscribers a few different pricing options (ex, save x% for annual membership vs monthly, etc)
Duncan Hamra
Top Product
@amandaschulze1 Hi Amanda! Sorry for the slow reply. I haven't checked PH in over a week! Feel free to contact us at for a quicker reply. Chargebee is a great platform, but not as plug and play as MemberStack for some use cases. For example, Chargebee can't gate any content for you. You would have to setup and manage all of that yourself. MemberStack comes with gated content built right in, so you can go from regular website to web app instantly.
Duncan Hamra
Top Product
Hey Product Hunters! 👋 We started Memberstack (our first SaaS product) just over 100-days ago with the goal of letting designers seamlessly integrate user accounts and recurring payments into their favorite website builders. Since then, it’s grown to 1,000+ professional web designers and developers worldwide, and we’ve made lots of improvements in response to their feedback. Memberstack is especially useful for: - Creators who want design control of their sites. - Makers who want to get their product to market quickly. - Marketers who want to create personalized user experiences. - Agencies and freelancers who need to invite clients to their projects. 🔥🔥We have an unlimited free trial - so don’t worry about paying until you’re ready to go live: We’ve been working hard for the last 10 months, and we’re genuinely interested in hearing what you think about it so far. If you have any ideas or suggestions, we’re all ears. ✌
Duncan Hamra
Top Product
@sha2 Hey there! I haven't personally build a site with it yet, but it's possible that it works right now. Just select "Custom" when you create your first website and follow the steps. If you decide to give it a go, please let me know. I'd love to see it!
Working with Memberstack was so easy! I had my membership site up in a few hours, including everything that a membership site needs and more
Duncan Hamra
Top Product
@dqmonn1 Thank you Dominic! is still one of my favorite sites in terms of content and design. I hope it keeps gaining traction!
Brian Breslin
@duncan_hamra what's the relationship to webflow? It struck me as though you all were a subsidiary of webflow or a spinout. Is that accurate?
Duncan Hamra
Top Product
@brianbreslin Hi Brian! Great question. Webflow is an entirely separate company and MemberStack isn't affiliated in anyway... other than the fact that we love their product, community, and team. You can think of MemberStack as an unauthorized "plugin." However, we're not just a "plugin" for Webflow! Our goal is to work ANYWHERE, and we're making steady progress. Thanks for the Q!
Joel Runyon
I'm late to the party on this, but have been using MemberStack the last few days and am blown away. I've done a ton of membership stuff here (mostly on WP) and this blows everything out of the water. Really impressed. Well done guys.
Duncan Hamra
Top Product
@joelrunyon Thanks Joel! And we're just getting started.
Christoph Paterok
MemberStack is awesome. Tried it a few days ago for the first time and it's really as simple as they promise. Thanks!
Duncan Hamra
Top Product
@patte87 Thanks Christoph!
Connor Finlayson
I have been using MemberStack for the last few months to run my no code freelance directory Unicorn Factory. Few things that I love about it: 👉 I can integrate Memberstack into my Webflow projects. Unlike other tools that I have used in the past, it absolutely does not interfere with how I want to design my site. Everything is super customizable. 👉 It has been game changing for monetizing the site. No more sending Stripe checkout links via email. Everything can happen at signup. 👉 The support is amazing. It feels like Duncan and Tyler are available 24/7 for support. I am not sure if they sleep... All in all, Webflow is the greatest design tool out there but it has a few limitations when it comes to features. I am super stoked that community members are taking control and building solutions to problems that Webflow cannot prioritize atm. If you have a Webflow account, you need a Memberstack account!
Duncan Hamra
Top Product
@finlaysonconnor Hey Connor!! Thank you :D I managed to get 3.5 hours of sleep before peaking at my phone this AM... no more sleeping today, thats for sure! We're having too much fun to sleep! Thanks so much for the epic comment and showing people first had what's possible with the @webflowapp CMS, Zapier, and MemberStack. Here's a l link for anyone interested - All designed, developed, and managed by Connor.
Devin Gray
This product is a game changer for membership sites, I have not managed to use it to it's full potential and I am already blown away by how great this is. I am so excited to build a membership on this platform
Duncan Hamra
Top Product
@devin_gray1 Thanks Devin! Feel free to leave your feature requests right here, or pop them in the chat app on our site.
Josh Gonsalves
Hands down THE perfect Membership solution for any website (especially built in Webflow!) @duncan_hamra and Tyler are literally the best, and I will echo the other comments in here and say that their customer service is UNMATCHED. I've never seen a more responsive team (and so far these are just TWO GUYS!) If you can't tell how excited I am about this product, then go back and re-read this comment, taking note of all of the CAPS LOCK! Go try MemberStack right now!
Duncan Hamra
Top Product
@joshgonsalves Thanks so much Josh! You're too kind :)
Merou Anderson
Hi Memberstack-Team! Your product looks awesome! We're planning to build a membership site in the jobsearch-business and I have a few questions. 1. Question: How scalable is MemberStack? We're hoping to register 100k users over the next 2-3 years. Will that be a problem? 2. Question: We need two kinds of registrants. Employees (free) and Employers (paid). Is this possible? Also we need different Dashboards for each group. Also possible? 3. Question: We need to make thorough analyzation of the user-submitted profile-data to feed a matching algorithm. Is it possible to use a survey for the registration form, or let's say - have a really long registration form? 4. Question: Is it possible to implement achievement badges? Like: Filled the survey to 100% - gets a certain "Status" or "Badge" Thanks so much!
Tyler Bell
Top Product
@merou_anderson Hi Merou, thanks so much! Happy to answer your questions. 1) Our entire system is built to automatically scale as needed. We can handle your 100k users no problem :) 2) Yes! This is possible. You would create two different membership levels, 1 for Employees and 1 for Employers. They each could have their own dashboard as well. 3) Your registration form can be as long as you want. We actually released a new feature last week that allows you to have multi-step signup forms. So you are able to break up your forms across multiple steps if you would like. 4) With a little bit of custom code this is 100% possible. There would be multiple ways you could do that. We are happy to have a conversation with you on the details! Thanks!