Get ready to face off against the top VCs in a simulated Q&A session!
Battle top VCs by uploading your deck or get random Qs and answer them in less than 60s.
Oh, we've also included the actual voices of the VCs so it feels as real as possible ;)
Ok, this looks amazing. The questions are actually very much on point, so amazing work there, as most tools I see for practicing VC question are just generic.
I'm very interested in seeing where you guys go next. "Fry my Quarterly Report" to prepare for board meetings? ;)
What a great tool to have in an entrepreneur’s belt!
I can definitely see myself using this once in a while, even if I’m not raising. The questions are pretty on-point, and the experience itself is so much better with the voice-over!
Would be even better if the VCs could ask follow-up questions based on my responses, but I’m sure you already have that in the roadmap! :)
Congrats on the launch! 🚀
Congratulations on your launch Fry My Deck team! Your innovative idea of a virtual sparring partner for startup pitch decks is impressive and much needed in the entrepreneurial world 😃
So many things to say here, but first of all congrats for the launch !
1. Amazing teamwork !! Great tool built in such short amount of time
2. We can definitely see you had fun and we are having fun too using it 😀
3. Just saw it was non commercial so at least you should be safe on this (but i honestly foresee so many headaches for lawyers in the weeks/months to come)
4. Looking fwd to see if they can also start investing.
Do you have a short video of the hackaton session ? I am so inspired that you should think about video documenting your next one :)
Hi Justus! I'm Guillaume, the other creator of Fry My Deck. Thank you for your positive feedback. I wanted to clarify that this project is entirely non-commercial and solely intended for educational purposes.
Our aim is to enhance the training experience and offer a more engaging way to pitch practice, which we believe benefits founders. We consider our use of the voices falls within the bounds of fair use.
Additionally, and more importantly, we ensured that the voices did not say anything that could cause harm or misrepresentation. While they may not have agreed with the pre-written questions, we provided guidelines for them to contact us easily so that we could remove any problematic content.
Thanks for your question :)
Very fun idea and great realisation!
Just went through accelerator experience, when you need to pitch regularly and answer tons of questions. This thing would be a great trainer!
Vote for adding more famous voices -- imagine Snoop Dogg asking you about CAC/LTV?
This is awesome! There are so many pitch prep tools out there yet this one not only offers some great resources, but does so with a pretty refreshing vibe. What comes next?