Make a Twitter banner in seconds.

Birdbanner β€” Make a Twitter banner in seconds

Join 400+ happy users and easily create a personalised and unique Twitter banner. Choose from a variety of backgrounds and gradients, input your text (or use AI!) and place it where you like. Instantly add a follow me arrow and images, too.
Hello Product Hunters! I'm Sarwech, the creator behind Birdbanner, and I'm excited to share an easier way to create Twitter banners. I made Birdbanner because I wanted something that spoke to me as an indie hacker. I saw a lot of tools (like Canva) but they're designed more for marketers working in big companies and other professionals. I also saw the potential for a Twitter banner to be a way to share an indie hacker's journey, instead of something that's made once and forgotten. So I decided to create a new tool that makes this possible. You can create a banner in seconds and the tool makes it easy to add your product logos so you can share what you're working on. When you're signed in, your banner is saved so you can come back to update it later on. It's free to use and all of the features are available with a watermark (or you can upgrade for just $1). What does Birdbanner offer? πŸ–ŒοΈ Easy customization: Pick from stunning backgrounds and gradients as well as options like background blur and overlays. πŸ“ Drag and drop: Place text and images exactly where you want them on your banner. πŸ“ Generate with AI: If you're stuck, just hit the ✨ button to generate text to help you get started. ➑️ Increase follows: Add a 'follow me' arrow and images to make your banner not just seen but more memorable and engaging. 🎨 No design skills required: Anyone can create a good looking banner with the simple UI. If you're struggling, just add text and hit randomize to cycle through different styles. πŸ‘€ Coming soon: I'm also working on new templates like adding an MRR chart and dynamic banners that change over time, so stay tuned for those. If you've followed me on Twitter then you'll know I'm all about listening to people and iterating quickly. So if you've tried it out, I'd love to know what you think. Feel free to leave a comment below or DM me with any feedback! Thanks and have a great day! 🫑
Miguel Lorenzo
@starwardshar amazing work! Simple, effective and beautiful UI πŸ‘Œ
Fabio Viola
@starwardshar A couple of quick feedback: on dark mode, the arrows in the selection panel are not visible. And if I change the color of the arrow, the "Follow me" text color doesn't change. IMO, this color should match the arrow's color, rather than the main text's color. Well done, Sarwech!
@tailormeta Fabio, thank you for the quick feedback and good spot on the bug! I like your idea to match colour for the arrow and "Follow me" text. I've just pushed an update that has a fix for the bug and uses your idea for the colours. Thanks again!
@tailormeta Hah my bad, it's my first time doing this and I didn't know about awards. It definitely earned that badge. Enjoy πŸ˜‚ and thanks again!
@mig_loren Thanks Miguel 😊
Karthik Tatikonda
Congrats on the ma πŸš€ Love Bird banner's UI and simplicity πŸ”₯ Been following your journey from some time, you're building amazing products. All the best buddy!
@karthik_tatikonda Karthik, thank you so much for the lovely feedback and for your ongoing support! πŸ₯Ή
Dan Mindru
very cool tool! The mobile view with the iPhone notch is brilliant, I always have to go back and forth to tweak it for mobile :D Good luck today πŸ™Œ
@dan_mindru Thanks Dan, glad you like it 😁 Same to you, I'm sure you'll end up in the top 3 πŸ˜‰
Olive Haus
Birdbanner is a no-brainer 🐦 It's super easy to make your profile stand out in seconds! I also adore the cute default profile image ✨ Huge congrats on the launch!
@olive_haus thank you, Olive! That means a lot coming from you πŸ˜„
Leo Lu
Hey Sarwech, this is super sleek! What can be even better is to have the dimensions for other platforms like LinkedIn :)
@leolu Thanks, Leo! I decided to focus on Twitter as the indie hacker community is strongest on there and it's the tool I know best :) But there are cool products being built by fellow founders like EasyBranding by @thejorgemedina that do the sort of thing you suggest. BTW I used to be a BA and saw Brewit - that's a great idea with a clean UI too!
Shahmir Faisal
Congrats on the launch Sarwech! It's an amazing app. I've been using it from the beginning and it definitely did not disappoint me!
@shahmir_faisal Wow, that means a lot, Shahmir! Glad you like it. Thanks so much πŸ™Œ
Konstantin Kovshenin
Congrats on the launch! Out of all banner/gb/avatar generation tools for social, I think this is the best I've seen, absolutely love the simplicity. Also dark mode FTW, well done and good luck!
@kovshenin Wow Konstantin, thank you! Super kind of you to say that and glad you like it 😁 Dark mode, all day, every day πŸ’ͺ
Great product and execution! Excited to see more great features coming in Birdbanner. Sarwech is a awesome guy too!
@ho_desmond Thanks so much for the kind words and support, Desmond! πŸ™Œ
Elias StrΓ₯vik
I actually spent over an hour trying to create a decent twitter banner in Figma and failed miserably – hadn't considered that it looks different on Mobile and Desktop so had to do multiple attempts before I gave up. Absolutely love the idea of Birdbanner to help out with this focused and surprisingly frustrating problem πŸ‘
@eliasstravik Haha I've been there, Elias! Appreciate your kind words and support as always 😊
Jozef Maxted
Congrats on the launch @sarwech looks super slick and polished! Been following along on twitter (@pixelhopio) and it’s really great to see your launch going well!
@jozefmaxted Ah yes, great to connect on here, Jozef! Really cool to see what you're doing with Chat Thing and the Pixelhop agency work. Thanks for supporting :)
Thomas Boogaerts
Congrats on the launch Sarwech, it's really smooth! I love that you get straight to the product itself and can start customizing it immediately! Well done πŸ™Œ
@toomasb Thanks so much, Thomas! Yep my aim with this product was to make it as quick as possible to build a banner. No sign up or landing page here haha.
Congrats on your launch! Such a great idea. These banners are always a pain, and Canva did not fix it for me.
@bjoentrepreneur Thanks BjΓΆrn! 100% you’re right, that’s why I made it
Luca Repetto
Loved it @starwardshar! I really love this simple product launch because it's also super useful and beautiful the outcome. Glad to see something like this!
@rep_eat Yeah I wanted to keep it super simple because at the end of the day it's just a Twitter banner tool haha. Thank you, Luca! πŸ™Œ
Derrick Egersdorfer
πŸ’‘ Bright idea
I think BirdBanner has allot of potential. Below are some of the things I would change, but just my opinion and prob. not necessary at the end of the day. 1. Move the font selection input field under the background color field. (I feel setting the font first feels more natural to do before putting in headings etc.) 2. I would not blur the profile pic as it forms part of the banner. 3. Lastly, mobile view of the banner. The text gets caught up in the phones notch / camera area. Maybe it could move down a bit, but I do realize that not all phones are designed the same so could be tricky to deal with. But otherwise very cool, I feel like this product is about speed. A quick and descent update to your banner without having to fiddle in a fancy design tool is a huge time saver.
@codechap Thanks, Derrick! Great points. 1. I like your idea. Originally I thought people knew what they wanted to type and so had the text input first but thinking about it now I can see they may just want to experiment first with different fonts. I've pushed up an update which goes with your suggestion. 2. Sadly this is an API restriction from Twitter 😒 this will be fixed as soon as I can get onto their paid plans 3. So the text can be dragged around and placed where you like, does this help? Or are you suggesting the default text position should be lower?
Priya V
Great product Sarwech. I have been following you building in public on Twitter and it is great to see you ship so quickly. I've been using this product and it is such a quick and easy way to personalise the twitter banner in a few clicks. It is great to see all the customisations you have added since you started building it. Congrats on your launch!
@priyavkt Thank you, Priya for the kind words and support from early on! Glad that you've found it useful :) Always welcome any feedback you have or specific features you think are missing!
Darryl Han
Woah this is cool! Wondering if you plan to make a Linkedin Banner version too because honestly, creating one SUCKS right now
@darrylhan Thanks Darryl! No plans at the moment as there are other tools that do that but I know what you mean πŸ˜…
Iryna  Struk
Sarwech, congrats on launching Birdbanner! It’s such a simple yet powerful tool that helps people build their audiences on Twitter. Amazing work!
@iryna_struk Thanks a lot, Iryna, appreciate that!
Gabriel P.
Congrats on the launch Sarwech! I've seen how hard and fast you worked for this πŸ’ͺ🏽definitely one of the best twitter banner generator out there πŸ₯³
@gabrielpineda Thanks, Gabriel! 😁 It's awesome having amazing folks like you who are also building in public to learn from and be inspired by πŸ™Œ
Charlie Yalf
Sarwech - ive been following birdbanner and you for a while and I love it! I can guarantee if someone SOMEHOW doesn’t find value in it right now, they just need to follow your journey for a day or two and that value will be there. You ship like you’re running out of time and your last mission on earth is to provide brilliant tools for creators!
@charlieyalf WOW that's super kind of you to say, Charlie! I'm gushing over here haha. Keep it up and good luck with ColourEasy :)
I think this is a great start! The form UI is very simple to use and intuitive. I would have liked to have examples of other people's banners before jumping into creating my own though. I love that I can customize fonts and I'm curious about having the ability to move the logo anywhere I want. Congrats on a really nice product so far. There are some obvious gaps in the tool which I think you probably already know about, but just in case it might be helpful I'll list them below. - The mobile view doesn't work. It just obstructs the banner image completely. - Margin spacing for the text. My longer heading should break into 2 lines instead of flowing to the edges. - Arrow doesn't point to the center of the follow button. It is not aligned. - Would be nice to have image cropping for the logo.
@valsk Really good suggestions, Val! 1. I agree with showing examples of existing banners to get ideas. I wanted to keep it focused on the designer itself but would like to incorporate those. How would you suggest? Maybe a button somewhere or a section underneath the preview with examples? 2. Hmm it shouldn't obstruct the image, it's only there to show what the mobile view looks like. How would you improve it? 3, 4 and 5. All great suggestions! Will implement these soon :)
@starwardshar Section under the preview with examples sounds like it would be helpful! Maybe the mobile view could be in an actual phone frame.