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    4. Upgrade your Super Bowl Sunday πŸ“ΊπŸˆ
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    Upgrade your Super Bowl Sunday πŸ“ΊπŸˆ
    Upgrade your Super Bowl Sunday πŸ“ΊπŸˆ

    The Super Bowl is on Sunday. Soon enough, we'll huddle around chips, drinks, and bitter rivalries to watch our favorite teams.

    Here are a few apps and products for an awesome Sunday:

    🍺 Nobody RSVPs to Facebook Events: here's an app that literally only asks your friends if they want a beer.

    🎡 Crowdsource the music at the party with this turntable.fm-style app powered by Spotify.

    πŸ”ˆ Listen at your perfect volume: scan any TV with Tunity and listen to your TV's audio directly from your phone.

    πŸ™ˆ Spoilers are the worst. Here's a chrome extension that blocks all sports from your Twitter feed. You're welcome.

    πŸ“Ί Or, if you don't care about football, rewatch your favorite super bowl commercials from the beginning of time. Wwhhaaaatttsssuuupppppp!

    Snapchat launched an in-app ecommerce store selling Dancing Hot Dog dolls, Dog Lens t-shirts, and more. A new revenue stream, announced right before their quarterly earnings call. πŸ€‘
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