Would you be interested in an alternative to Google Analytics?
Solomon Bush
7 replies
Recently I just replaced LogHarvestor's Google Analytics with my own custom analytics software, it's much more reliable, customizable, and the best part is it doesn't get blocked by AdBlock.
To be honest, I love Google's products, but I just don't like giving my users data to someone. I built a log aggregation app, and something like that comes with the expectation of trust.
But I recently thought, "I wonder if my customers would like to have to this same tool?"
So, is this something that you think would do well?
Clément Jacquelin@jacquelinclem
Marshmallow Icon Kit
I know some alternative that look nice like https://plausible.io/ :)
Log Harvestor
Launching soon!
@jacquelinclem I love that UI. Super clean. Also impressive that it was able to shrink the JS by code by 45x.... Also suspicious, haha. What all is Google capturing that Plausible isn't?
But seriously, thanks for the suggestion!
Marshmallow Icon Kit
@solomon_bush we already know. And that's why google is free, because it get a lot of personnal data. :)
Log Harvestor
Launching soon!
That would be a difficult market to get in. Not being block by the AdBlock is a nice advantage but you will lose it as soon as you get traction.
There are already a few solutions on the market like yandex analytics.
You can try to join a measure camp to get more feedback about your idea: https://www.measurecamp.org/
Log Harvestor
Launching soon!
@fabian_maume This is awesome! Thanks for the great feedback. I will checkout that site out.
I would be adding it as new feature for Log Harvestor to increase it's marketability. So basically, the idea would be BE analytics and FE analytics are all captured and displayed in the same service.
That's a good point about the AdBlock though. I was thinking I could get around it permanently by using sockets, but I guess Adblock could just block all outbound traffic to my domain?