What do you find challenging about content creation?

Rish A
8 replies
This question is for everyone, I guess, but especially non-design folk! What aspect of content creation is the most challenging for you? And what tools do you find most helpful to overcome that?


Preeti Chovoor
Finding the audience for the product and the anxiety of not being successful
Preeti Chovoor
@rishika_anchalia I meant audience as in how to reach more of there people you already know your product is for
Rish A
@preeti_chovoor Do you mean audience that will resonate with the content?
Karina Skrinnik
I think it is hard to maintain inspiration for a long time but without it you can`t make a good content. In such situations rest is a key. Then I can gain inspiration again on pinterest, for example.
Rish A
@karina_skrinnik That's nice. I never really got into pinterest. But I do go looking for inspiration on instagram stories!
I want to finish it the same day I begin. But content creation is about taking time to create a solid piece. Working on it.