STARTUP IDEA – Stack Overflow For Marketing Automation

Jasper Ruijs
0 replies
Hi everybody, Many MarTech and Sales platforms still have a lot of repetitive tasks. For example, you can only import 25 people from your LinkedIn Sales navigator search at a time. When I go to the developer at my company, they often don't have any experience with the libraries that I use for automation like Beautifulsoup. When I go to Stack Overflow, most questions are about development or Machine Learning, and I don't get quick responses to my marketing script questions. Therefore I want to create a platform for marketers, growth hackers, and salespeople who only want to automate their processes and aren't interested in learning how to code. On this platform, they can request scripts, which they will get with instructions. Because some questions can be technically oriented towards machine learning, I will first hire a computer scientist. But eventually, the community would be able to provide answers for themselves. Would you be interested in such a forum?
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