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  • Sharing WINS is fun. But what about our FAILS? Share your failed Product Hunt launch below!

    Nick Freiling
    6 replies
    Come on. Most of us have been there. A product idea came to you late one night. You saw the path to an MVP immediately. You got to work, programming during your lunch breaks and late into the nights. A few weeks later, your product is ready to share with the world. You launch it on Product Hunt, share it with all your friends, and... Nothing. A few crickets, maybe. And a lonely (and embarrassing) "Look what my son/daughter made!" post on your mom's Facebook page. But hey, there's NO SHAME in launching something that didn't catch on. These products are often stepping-stones to much better products. So let's share more about what DIDN'T work, and learn from each other in the process. I'll go first (first comment below).


    Elena Cirera
    “Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.” —Dale Carnegie
    Nick Freiling
    I launched MailThis.co on Product Hunt last year. Hit #2 on the day 🎉🎉 So you can imagine what my expectations were like when I launched SincerelyMe (SincerelyMe.us) a similar, but cooler, version of the same basic product a few months later. I spent a few weeks building it, launched it on Product Hunt, and...nothing. I got a few users, sure. 46 upvotes. But nowhere even CLOSE to the 363 I got the first time around. The product has sat basically dormant since then. 2-3 users a month.
    @nickfreiling were you banking on Product Hunt for success?
    Not yet launched anything per say here. Still debating whether I should go with www.skilledup.life - free talent for tech startups. In all essence, I feel like I can't be bothered. We have 2,708 Volunteers. But only 9 paying subscribers. So still a very new product.
    William Wildridge
    In 2009 I founded a denim brand startup. ... In 2022 I still have over 100 denim shorts that are several sizes too small in boxes D :