Landing a product manager role

Magesh Adithya
6 replies
I am currently part of customer operations solving data issues and been wanting to swtich to a product manager role. Any help/guidance would be great !!


Ninad Sail
Enroll for some good courses or academy. It will surely help you understand the current market scenario.
Magesh Adithya
@ninad_sail Could you give me your recommendations on which courses to join?
Bogomil Shopov - Бого
I could recommend the following: - Focus on what kind of a PM you would like to be - Tactical or Stategical (use your fav search engine to find the difference) - Find a mentor to help you giuide you through your path. He/she could recommend you some nice books or trainings. good luck!
Magesh Adithya
@bogomep whats the best way to approach someone to mentor you, any tips?