How to identify users on instagram using social media tools

Richard Michell
4 replies
Instagram is a photo-sharing app that is made for smartphones. However, the platform can also be accessed on any PC browsers. When using Instagram on your PC and you would like to enlarge the profile picture of any Instagram account so that you can be able to figure out who the owner of the account is, you can simply use Instazoom. Like many people out there, you are probably looking for a way to enlarge or zoom an Instagram profile picture. This is usually necessary when strangers follow you on Instagram and you want to know them or see who they are but you either don’t want to ask them or for some reasons, you can’t ask them to tell you who they actually are. Enlarging a profile picture of someone who started following you is a great way of having the opportunity to see them clearly. It is the most efficient and best way to look at them and identify who they are without asking them. The bad news is, the Instagram app as well as the web version of this same photo-sharing platform do not essentially allow the user to enlarge or zoom the profile picture of any individual Instagram account. This is regardless of whether they are strangers of you are following them. All of us find this irritating because it makes it hard, if not impossible, to tell apart people who use similar usernames and have the same name. As we all know, this can be very annoying especially when you are trying to look at the Instagram profile picture of a person to try to find out who they actually are. This even get more annoying when the person you are trying to figure out has uploaded low quality pictures or something that is not a close-up. This is the time you usually wish you could be able to pinch and zoom the picture or enlarge it to figure out the person. It is also important to note that the size limit in the Instagram and the web version is 50 x 50 pixels. Because of this, even if you zoom the view of the browser, you won’t achieve much. The good news is, even if Instagram does not have this necessary and sweet option, we can still enlarge and zoom the profile photo of any given Instagram account. We can do this by relying on a third-party solution, which can help us fix this problem. The tool to use in this regard is none other than Instazoom. You can use this tool to enlarge, zoom, and view Instagram pictures on your personal computer.


Quinn Christy
Zoom in on your profile pictures and photos from your Instagram gallery for free at
chan vova
Thank! You can use this tool to enlarge, zoom, and view Instagram pictures on your personal computer.
It's Preetz
Identifying Instagram users can be tricky, especially when profile pictures are small and unzoomable on the platform. Instazoom steps in as a helpful solution, offering the ability to enlarge profile pictures, allowing for clearer identification without the need to ask or navigate around the platform's limitations. While it's unfortunate that Instagram lacks this feature, it's great to have external tools like Instazoom to bridge that gap and enhance user experience on the platform. -
It's Preetz
Respecting user privacy is paramount. However, leveraging authorized social media tools with user consent can aid in identifying Instagram users for legitimate purposes, such as marketing or community engagement. Transparency and ethical use are key in navigating this process. -