Hey Monday!🤩 Share latest product with a launch tip! 🙌🚀

Samir Rashed
6 replies


Launched Ordefy here 1 day ago. Still a newbie here to give any tips. 😅 Would like to know what others has to say on it!!
Samir Rashed
About me with @momen_elshamy and all Premast team. We launched last month the Google Slides version of Premast Plus. Check it 👇👇👇 🚀 https://www.producthunt.com/post... My tip is: After the launching day don't miss collecting any feedback that will support your improvement plan what about you?
Reece Jones
Just launched Fitips, an AI driven platform that sends tailored My tip: Keep going. Launch isn't the finish line, it's the starting line.