Hey Monday!🤩 Share latest product with a launch tip! 🙌🚀

Samir Rashed
6 replies


Reece Jones
Just launched Fitips, an AI driven platform that sends tailored My tip: Keep going. Launch isn't the finish line, it's the starting line.
Samir Rashed
About me with @momen_elshamy and all Premast team. We launched last month the Google Slides version of Premast Plus. Check it 👇👇👇 🚀 https://www.producthunt.com/post... My tip is: After the launching day don't miss collecting any feedback that will support your improvement plan what about you?
Launched Ordefy here 1 day ago. Still a newbie here to give any tips. 😅 Would like to know what others has to say on it!!