HELP PH: How to trend as the #1 Product of the Day!! 😻
Mayank Mishra
4 replies
Hey Product hunters, Mayank here, cofounder of Poppins ( ) we launched today and are hovering between #1 and #2 product of the day even after having the most number or upvotes and comments.
would love to seek advice on what to do to remain as the #1 Product of the day.
Maybe the @producthunt team can share insights on what makes it to the top as well.
Simon Barker@simon_barker1
It’s about vote velocity as much as absolute votes. Be happy with a successful launch number 2 is pretty damn good and you couldn’t asked to be pipped to the post by a nicer more genuine person than Michele, asking product hunt for “help” on this is pretty poor taste.
@simon_barker1 hey Simon, thanks for sharing your thoughts.. I'm more than happy to achieve #2 spot, just curious about the way positions are decided and what factors count.
This was what I meant when I said "PH team can help" me understand .. not otherwise. 😅
@mishra_mayank ah ok, I see, it came across as “can you make us number one again” my mistake, sorry 🙏