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Yassin Kotan
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25 second ago. mark cuban noting that players on his dallas mavericks nba team use similar products to reduce inflammation also made an offer he d invest 1 2 million and finance all of plunge s purchase orders for 15 in equity =============---@---============ [u][b][url= ] [/url][/b][/u] [u][b][url= ] [/url][/b][/u] [u][b][url= ] [/url][/b][/u] =============---@---============ start of recording jack before we really had the term social engineer people used to just say con artist because what a con game is is where you gain someone s trust and then defraud them social engineers gain people s trust in order to trick them same thing one of my favorite con artists was george c parker he made a living off of selling things he didn t own he lived in new york city in the early 1900s a lot of immigrants were moving into the city and he wanted to take advantage of their lack of knowledge about the city grant s tomb was built in 1897 which is the final resting place for ulysses s grant it s right in manhattan and it s an extraordinary monument you can even go inside and look at the casket it s a popular tourist attraction george c parker saw so many people coming to see grant s tomb he wanted to somehow make money off this and not by selling popcorn or hot dogs or flowers en cliquant sur tout refuser seuls les cookies traceurs techniques strictement limités au fonctionnement du site ou à la mesure d audiences seront déposés et lus sur votre terminal tout refuser ne vous permet pas d activer l option commentaires de nos services last year several parents at eff enrolled kids into daycare and were instantly told to download an application for managing their children s care these applications frequently include notifications of feedings diaper changes pictures activities and who picked up dropped off the child potentially useful features for overcoming separation anxiety of newly enrolled children and
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