For ProductHunt Creators/makers who have created many products, what are you seeking out for?

Daryll Wong
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Product Hunt is a great place and community for creators and product enthusiasts. I am curious to know, for people who have created/made multiple products (and probably still looking to build more), what is your aim? It could be that you love solving problems, want this to be strategic experience in your career, etc. Do you still continue to upgrade and evaluate the relevance of your previously made products? This is an open-ended question! Just curious to hear your honest and genuine reasons! 😀 (I asked because I've an impression that building a good product requires a large chunk of your bandwidth and focus, and even when you are done, you would still be concerned with continuing to explore and see how you could improve the product or iterate on them. With this, it seems really challenging to juggle more than one or at most two product concurrently)
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