Creating a plan to validate my idea.

Dakota L.
0 replies
There's a lot of advice floating around about the idea of validating demand for products before spending the time creating them. It's been made clear that it's an important step to take, especially as an indie developer. But while the philosophy is talked about quite a bit I feel like there's been very little actionable advice about the steps to take. I've decided this morning to take a shot at making it approachable, by employing and idea from Eric Reis' "The Lean Startup" and develop a Build, Measure, Learn plan. For those unfamiliar: Build, measure, learn is typically used in relation to release cycles. Learn: You define a hypothesis you would like to test in this release Measure: You define the metrics that refute or confirm you theory Build: You define the test(s) you need to run to collect the appropriate measurements I'm not releasing anything, but I've felt like I'm floating without a direction. I feel passionately about improving the way food information and stories are shared. Hopefully this will point me in a direction where I can really start to get stuff done. You can see my plan here:
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