Date your co-founders

Maxim Zavadskiy
3 replies
It is best to look at co-founder finding dilemma as a much longer-term process, than, say, just hiring an employee. As you wouldn't propose marriage on a first date, you shouldn't also push to get someone to become a co-founder. Therefore it is better to look into your network first (and yes friends are a great source of co-founders), start with a small engagement, like mini-project, and utilize online startup communities where you can build rapport over time.


I couldn't agree more! Particularly with the focus on forming a long-term relationship rather than thinking about it as hiring an employee. I am biased though as I'm married to my co-founder :)
It's always good to end this with a question, or perhaps share your own experience. You could say "What do other's think about this?" or "What has your journey been?". This encourages discussion.
Gilad Uziely
The most important thing (IMHO) is to get a founders agreement ASAP and make sure there's reverse vesting in it. Will not solve all your problems but will help you avoid dead equity (in most cases).