I finished the first draft (link in details) of our landing page, what do you think?

Benjamin Such
6 replies
Link: https://streamable.com/nz55vr 1. I want to animate the text at the bottom right, so it better catches the attention 2. I'm thinking about showing a preview of the output the user gets, when he tries the demo 3. At the top right will be 1 or 2 links (probably something like "FAQ's" and "Last Result") Any constructive criticism and suggestions are highly appreciated


John Yeung
Overall it looks polished!The background video looks cool. The text in the sub-title is a little too small to read though
Benjamin Such
@jhlyeung Thanks a lot John. You are probably right, I will increase the sub-title text.
Johannes Waldorf
If the fonts of the changing text were a little larger, i think i would pay more attention to what is being communicated. This way I focus more on the background video.
Benjamin Such
@johannes_waldorf I hope I can get the attention with the animations, but we will see. I will think about your feedback, thanks!
Christoph Hohenberger
looks good but on the lower right the text seems a little bit off
Cezary Dobrowolski
Hey! As a graphic designer myself I would've go with something more like this: And I don't like "Why? How?" CTA, as it's not a CTA ("Find out how!") and it has 2 questions in it (I'd be more precise).