Tim Whitacre

Tim Whitacre

Software, Synthwave and Scotch
10 points
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Tim Whitacre
Meetings are expensive. We help organizations measure and improve their meetings across the organization.
There are more remote meetings than ever. Save time and make teams more efficient by gaining feedback and insight into every meeting.
Rate a Meeting
Rate a Meeting
Meetings are expensive. Measure and improve remote meetings.
Tim Whitacre
Tim Whitacre
left a comment
This is awesome! Thanks for putting this together John!
10 Days of Bitcoin 💰 👉🏼 ✉️
Learn the basics & fundamentals of bitcoin, 💯 free!
Tim Whitacre

Produce Brands Database
Produce Brands Database
The largest free database of produce brands and companies
Tim Whitacre

Netflix Categories
Netflix Categories
A filterable list of Netflix categories and subcategories.
Tim Whitacre
Barley CMS
Barley CMS
Simple inline editing, HTML for templates, Dropbox syncing