
I’m Korbs, a frontend software and web developer. I enjoy to work with open source, component based web technology, and focus on self-hosting services. I’m known for current projects like Penpot Desktop and FalixNodes Desktop, along with old projects like Dream Frame. SudoVanilla, originally known as Korbs Studio, is an entity I like to go by as a developer. When it comes to product hunting, I mostly evaluate the product's quality, support, feature set, company status, ecosystem, and the amazing community surrounding it. We live in a world where using the ideal product, software, and support and community has a tremendous impact on our lives.


Gone streaking
Gone streaking
Gone streaking 5
Gone streaking 5

Maker History

  • Penpot Desktop
    Penpot Desktop
    A desktop-like experience for Penpot
    Dec 2022
  • Falix
    Bringing Communities Together Since 2018
    Sep 2022
  • 🎉
    Joined Product HuntSeptember 15th, 2022