

If you can edit text, you can make videos, podcast, & clips
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Descript Podcast Studio was ranked at #1 Audio & Voice for 2019
#1 Audio & Voice Product of the Year
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What is Descript?
Descript is a new kind of video and audio editor that’s as easy as a doc. Descript’s AI-powered features and intuitive interface fuel YouTube and TikTok channels, top podcasts, and businesses using video for marketing, sales, and internal training and collaboration. Descript aims to make video a staple of every communicator’s toolkit, alongside docs and slides.
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AI note-taker that's truly intelligent
Maker shoutouts
Makers get only 3 shoutouts per launch
Great for recording and editing our demo videos. Easy to add effects
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Recent launches

The New Descript
With Descript, making video is as easy as using docs and making slides. A year in the making, today's release is a complete redesign with over 30 new features, including green screen, premium stock media, templates, and more.
The New Descript image
Descript Video Editor & Screen Recording
Descript graduates from being a podcast editor to a fully featured audio and video editor, complete with a powerful screen and webcam recorder. Now producing multitrack videos with titles, transitions, and animation is as easy as editing a doc.
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