Mermaid Chart

Mermaid Chart

A smarter way to create diagrams
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What do people think of Mermaid Chart?

The community submitted 12 reviews to tell us what they like about Mermaid Chart, what Mermaid Chart can do better, and more.
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12 Reviews
Andrew Sheves
I make data-driven risk management tools
1 review
I've found Mermaid to be a great tool for putting diagrams into GitHub - it only takes a few minutes to learn the syntax and the docs are really clear.

Nicolai Habla
Curious ape who loves to code and design
1 review
An amazingly good and simple product. I use it all the time at work to create Sequence Diagrams to align with customers and internally with the tech team. It's like writing pseudo code but with the added benefit of it creating visuals for you. Big fan!

David Liu
David Liu


1 review
found out because it works with chatGPT, keep using it because it works!

Jordan Roga
VC and Startup Advisor
1 review
Mermaid Chart has been the best way to be explicit about things visually: easy to iterate on, flexible, and great for collaboration across teams and tools. The syntax is easy to learn, documentation is great, and AI integration and elements features make approaching their diagrams beginner friendly. I use Mermaid Chart for everything from documenting processes for work, to my family tree, to recipes. Can't recommend highly enough!

Jay Stevens
Data Nerd builder
1 review
Makes working w/ Mermaid.js super productive and useful.

Michael McCallum


1 review
Simple tool to allow me to easily express ideas visually

Andrew Firestone

Founder & Leadership

1 review
Mermaid is the best diagramming tool I've used as a software engineer. The VS Code plugin, AI editor, and templates make planning and documentation fast, fun, and seamless!

Arun Jishnu
1 review
Very useful while designing the system.

Jonny Muir
Design and digital leader.
1 review
Diagrams in markdown - what is not to love? Been using mermaid since it was added to Azure DevOps a couple of years ago. Love the progress and addition of new diagrams. Interested to see what this service adds...

Simple, effective, elegant. Good stuff