DEV Community

DEV Community

A constructive social network for software developers.
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What is DEV Community?
DEV is a community of software developers getting together to help one another out. The software industry relies on collaboration and networked learning. We provide a place for that to happen.
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Recent launches

DEV <> Stackbit
The Stackbit & DEV collaboration makes it easier than ever to spin up a personal website showcasing your DEV posts. All you have to do is select a static site generator and theme. Stackbit’s powerful tooling does the rest! It’s like magic.
DEV <> Stackbit image
DEV Listings
Millions of programmers come to DEV to stay up-to-date with the software industry. DEV Listings is a dedicated area where the community posts job openings, upcoming events, and products/services that are built for developers.
DEV Listings image
4 more launches