Bird Eats Bug

Bird Eats Bug

Report bugs. Create tests. Really fast.
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What is Bird Eats Bug?
Create data-rich bug reports and end-to-end tests with a few clicks. Bird lets you auto-capture your screen, actions and technical logs. This saves QA, PM, CS and Eng teams over 50% of time on bugs reported by testers and even non-technical users.
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Recent launches

Bird Eats Bug 3.0
Bird allows Technical teams to record demos and report bugs, Sales teams to send video pitches with attached proposals, Everyone else to replace meetings and create how-to videos.
Bird Eats Bug 3.0 image
Bird Eats Bug Remote Edition
Report bugs a lot faster (even if you're not technical).
Record your screen and mic to show and explain what exactly happened.
Developers will get all the data they need, automatically.
Bird Eats Bug Remote Edition image
1 more launch