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Obscuro is a decentralized encryption Layer 2 built on top of Ethereum. It's designed to enable any Ethereum contract to operate at a larger scale, lower gas, without risk of MEV (Miner Extractable Value), and crucially, with full encryption. It leverages a technology called Secure Enclaves, which secures most of your devices. Key Features: ➤ Encrypted Data: Obscuro provides full encryption by default. All transaction details are fully encrypted, and no state leaves the enclave in an unencrypted state unless the developer has programmed the dApp to do so. ➤ Ethereum Compatibility: Obscuro is built on top of Ethereum and is compatible with existing EVM-based solutions. Deploying your existing solution to Obscuro can provide smart contract encryption, faster transactions, lower cost transactions, and eliminate negative MEV. ➤ New dApp Development: With full encryption, developers can build new game-changing dApps that leverage encrypted data, encrypted state, and confidential computing as new primitives. ➤ Use Cases: Obscuro can be used for a variety of applications, including gaming, private DeFi, dark pool trading, sealed auctions, and private agreements. As someone who hasn't tried the product yet, Obscuro seems to be a promising tool for developers and users in the blockchain space. It appears to offer a comprehensive solution for encrypted data handling and contract execution. However, I have a few questions to understand the product more: ➤ How does Obscuro ensure the security and integrity of the encrypted data and contracts? ➤ Obscuro will integrate with other blockchain platforms or is it stay exclusive to Ethereum? ➤ How does Obscuro handle the privacy and security of the user's transaction information?
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